Evaluation of Sponge Farming in Tunisia


In May 2021 we received the Blue Champions Award and 10'000€ for the evaluation of community-based sponge farming in Tunisia (see news 213) The evaluation took place early June 22 and was extremely successful, exceeding all our expectations.

Our local partner, the Institute de la Science et da la Technologie de la Mer (INSTM) is very well established nationally and has a well-functioning network of field offices along Tunisia’s entire coast.

Headquarter INSTMThe INSTM Headquarter

Over two weeks we gave 13 presentations in the three sponge strongholds, Zarzis, Djerba and Kerkenah. The presentations included film screenings and summaries of the economic and financial success of the technology in Zanzibar. We had extensive discussions with local NGO's, environmental associations, women's & professional groups, a potential private partner, a sponge trader, and various Tunisian.

PräsentationPresentation for Club Wave / Melita Women in Djerba.

The crucial challenges could be identified, and possible solutions were discussed. There was a very high interest for sponge farming with many fishermen ready to start right away.

However, before productive sponge farms can be established, it is necessary to set up pilot nursery farms for a research and development project. This will allow to study the impact on the marine ecosystem but also to acquire the necessary knowledge for a 2-year scaling phase.

Tunesien TeamThe team f.l.to.r: Karim, Aymen, Montazar, Hassan, Connie, Ali Mahmudi, Photo by Chrigel

INSTM and MC will collaborate with local, regional, and national partners that support a scientific approach and establish an action plan that will be submitted to the regional partners for consultation. In parallel, INSTM will apply for the necessary permits and secure funding for a1-year research and development project together with MC.

We would like to use this opportunity to thank our Tunisian hosts, partners, and participants for their warm welcome and hospitality. This trip was a very positive experience and we are looking forward to further engagements.

Tunesische Schwämme
Tunisia is the world's largest exporter of sponges!

>> More Info? Download Trip Report.

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